The Benefits of Medical Marijuana Cards in Recreational States
You Should Still Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri - Here's Why:
The State of Missouri recently legalized recreational marijuana, leaving patients with their medical cards unsure about whether or not to renew.
There are infinite benefits to having a medical marijuana card in a recreational state. Here are some of the reasons you should still get your medical card in Missouri:
Save On Sales Tax
It's no secret that cannabis products can get expensive. Many people who use marijuana would like to save money in any way they can at the dispensary. If you have your medical card, you will save hundreds or thousands of dollars in sales tax alone.
In the State of Missouri, recreational cannabis users are taxed at 6% plus local and state taxes where as medical marijuana card holders are taxed at only 4%. When you take local and state taxes into account, recreational users are responsible for more than double in taxes than medical card holders, which adds up to be a considerable amount of money each year.
Added Protection from Prosecution
There’s no hiding the fact that the cannabis industry remains in a precarious position. States with legalized recreational cannabis can’t offer full protection for cannabis-related businesses from federal prosecution.
However, maintaining a medical marijuana card in your home state may provide you with an additional layer of protection against persecution. Your medical cannabis card is proof that you are backed by a qualified doctor who has recommended your marijuana. Should you be growing your own cannabis in large amounts, it’s highly recommended to have a medical cannabis card, even in a state with recreational cannabis.
Increased Possession Limits
The State of Missouri has set purchase limits on cannabis products for both recreational and medical marijuana users. Recreational users may legally possess up to 3 ounces of dried marijuana flower, where as medical card holders may possess a two month supply (12 ounces) of cannabis. In some cases, a physician will certify a higher possession limit for a medical patient as well.
Increased Access
Medical cannabis patients are able to access cannabis at a younger age than recreational consumers.
There is no age minimum for a medical marijuana card. Missouri residents under the age of 18 may qualify for their medical marijuana card. If their application is accepted, they will require a caregiver to retrieve their medicinal marijuana for them, since you must be at least 18 years old to access dispensaries.
Recreational consumers are prohibited from making marijuana product purchases until they turn 21.​
Recreational marijuana users in Missouri must pay $100 to apply for their cultivation license, but medical card holders will only be charged $50. Also, recreational users with their cultivation license must renew each year, which comes at an additional cost. Medical marijuana card holders will only need to renew their cultivation license every three years, saving them even more money in the long run.