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5,000 New Cannabis Jobs in First Year of Legalization

J. L. Campbell

5,000 New Cannabis Jobs in First Year of Legalization

Medical Marijuana had a tough time bridging the gap from legislation to reality in Missouri. The state legalized cannabis for medicinal use in 2018, but the first dispensaries didn’t open until late 2020, finally allowing residents with a medical card to purchase cannabis products. As the first year of dispensary operations comes to a close, it’s clear the cannabis industry has been a boon for the state economy and job market.

Medical Marijuana added hundreds of millions to the state economy.

In the first year of retail business, medical marijuana has brought big money to Missouri. The state’s sales figures are on pace to hit two-hundred million dollars by October of 2021, including a record-setting twenty-two million in August alone.

Medical Marijuana has created over 5,000 new jobs in year one.

Medical marijuana has already become a major job creator in the state, employing over 5,000 individuals in the first year of legislation. With the industry continuing to grow, that rate is expected to rise.

More job opportunities are created with each license the state issues. So far, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has issued 144 licenses to dispensaries, as well as 41 for facilities to manufacture cannabis-infused products, and 30 licenses for cultivation operations. Additionally, the state is issuing licenses for transportation and laboratory testing.

While you don’t need a Missouri marijuana card to get a job in the cannabis industry, you do need one in order to legally possess and consume cannabis products in the Show Me State. If you don’t have your medical card, our doctors can take you through a quick and easy evaluation to see if you qualify. CLICK HERE to schedule an evaluation or call us at (877) 303-3117.

What types of jobs is the marijuana industry creating?

Cannabis has become an immense employment generator. According to Forbes Magazine, the cannabis industry may be responsible for the nation’s biggest boom in job creation. Here are just some of the opportunities the legalization of medical marijuana in Missouri has created:

Marijuana Dispensary Manager

Dispensaries are the retail end of the medical marijuana industry. Much like other retail positions, dispensaries need management to oversee employee scheduling, corporate policies, state regulations, and the overall operation of the store. A pharmacological background isn’t necessarily required, but may give prospective employees an edge when applying for these positions. Dispensary manager positions are usually salaried, with full benefits and the opportunity for advancement.


A budtender is someone who helps dispensary customers choose the best strain of medical marijuana for their particular needs. These positions require listening, empathy, and sales acumen. This is a great position for those with an excellent cannabis knowledge base that goes beyond knowing the differences between sativa, indica, and hybrid strains. Most budtenders earn a great hourly wage and also receive tips.

Cannabis Delivery Driver

Many medical marijuana patients are either homebound or simply find it more convenient to have their marijuana delivered. Because of the sensitive legal nature of carrying marijuana, the job is a little more complicated than ordering a pizza. In addition to their hourly wage, delivery drivers also often receive tips.

Edible Maker

If you know your way around a kitchen, the cannabis industry wants to put those skills to use. If you’ve had culinary arts training or experience as a baker or chef, a career as an edible maker may be for you. The cannabis industry is looking for people to create and oversee the development and creation of various food items made with marijuana or marijuana extracts.

Quality Control Inspector

The medical marijuana industry is regulated, and a quality control inspector ensures that products comply with health and potency standards and safety protocols. Quality Control Inspectors may work directly for a cannabis manufacturer or as a representative of a government agency. Because of the scientific nature of this work, some of these positions require a PhD in a field such as biology, entomology, chemistry, or agronomy.

Marijuana or Edibles Packer

Packaging positions are great entry-level jobs in the medical marijuana field. This work involves assembling cannabis products and packaging them, and can be an entryway that leads to other, higher paying positions.

Farming Jobs - Trimmer, Harvester, Cultivator

Trimming, harvesting, and cultivating offer great entry-level opportunities to those who would otherwise be employed in lower-paying manual labor and service positions. These jobs are a good fit for people who like working outdoors and can handle the demands of a job that is rigorously physical in nature.

Support Jobs - H/R, Software, Legal, Writer, Security Guard

In addition to jobs working directly with cannabis, there are a wide variety of positions that support the medical marijuana industry. Dispensaries and manufacturing operations need employees in human resources, security personnel, legal staff, IT professionals, writers, software developers, and more. Anyone with a marketable skill that can support the industry may find themselves a fit for a job in the growing field (pun absolutely intended) of medical marijuana.

Anxious About the Job Market?

Anxiety is just one of an extensive list of symptoms that can be treated by medical marijuana. Relief isn’t far away for those with a Missouri medical card. If you need help getting your card, our physicians have you covered! They can help take you through a quick and easy evaluation process to see if you qualify. Just give us a call at (877) 303-3117 CLICK HERE to schedule an evaluation.


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

At Missouri Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

Call us at (877) 303-3117, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out Missouri Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Missouri.

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