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Did You Know These Artistic Geniuses Used Cannabis?

Writer: ohiomedicalohiomedical

Updated: May 24, 2022

How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. Some of the greatest artists of all time received a helpful boost from the creativity-enhancing powers of cannabis. Sure, we all know musical artist Bob Marley was inspired by cannabis. And, certainly many Missouri medical marijuana card holders have found a deeper appreciation for works of art by artists such as MC Escher and Jackon Pollock.

But, there are many artists who you may not have realized were fans of cannabis, whose work has inspired and entertained countless people. For these artists, some of the focus needed to become a master of their craft may have been derived from the natural healing powers of marijuana. After-all, studies have shown that cannabis can be effective for those seeking a creative breakthrough.

Here are some truly great artists that you may be surprised to find were known to enjoy cannabis:

Pierre Schmidt

Also known by the moniker Drømsjel, Pierre Schmidt is a famous German artist whose paintings have a psychedelic twist. His work often features distorted images of women who seem to have growths of flowers springing from various parts of their bodies. In a recent profile in High Times, Schmidt gives credit to marijuana for giving the creative boost that inspires his “disturbingly delightful” artwork.

Pablo Picasso

The legendary painter famously avoided publicly admitting his cannabis use, so this entry, we’ll admit, is pure speculation. However, many theorize that the cubist style of his artwork was derived due to the influence of marijuana on his process as an artist. Marijuana certainly inspired his work in one way or another, especially Picasso’s 1966 piece titled Men Smoking Pot.

Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone is one of the greatest screenwriters and film directors of all time, with numerous Academy Award wins and nominations under his belt. He is also a big fan of medical marijuana. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the famed moviemaker said, “I believe grass is God’s gift.

Fernando De La Roque

Fernando De La Roque is a Brazilian artist who makes the most out of his cannabis experience. He doesn’t simply use marijuana for a creativity boost - he actually uses cannabis smoke as part of his artwork. His unique process involves using exhaled marijuana smoke to imprint the figures he has stenciled onto his image.

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana is a legendary guitarist who has been making iconic rock music since the 1970s. He is also an outspoken supporter of cannabis legalization. In an interview with the Associated Press in 2009, during Barack Obama’s presidency, he urged the President to legalize marijuana.

Salvador Dali

Dali only publicly admitted to smoking marijuana once. He stated that he tried it and “thought it was wonderful.” This, along with the creative style of Dali’s artwork has led many to speculate that he continued using cannabis after that initial experiment. Later, Dali would go on to famously be quoted as saying, “I don’t do drugs. I AM drugs.” That sounds like something a person who had just enjoyed a bit of cannabis might say.

Oscar Wilde

One of the most well-known writers of all time, Oscar Wilde is perhaps best known for penning the classic The Picture of Dorian Gray and the acclaimed play The Importance of Being Earnest. You may be surprised to know that the heralded author also enjoyed the healing powers of cannabis.

An excerpt of a diary found where Wilde describes a trip to Egypt details his enjoyment of THC, stating, “I have talent to hashish. It is quite exquisite. Three puffs of smoke, and then peace and love.”

David Hockney

Hockney is one of London’s most successful painters. In 1959, he entered London’s Royal College of Art. After finishing his studies, he moved to Los Angeles in the 1960’s and began a series of paintings of swimming pools that would go on to become iconic.

William Shakespeare

Believe it or not, there is strong evidence that the most prolific playwright of all time, the immortal bard, liked to pack a bowl and relax, letting the iambic pentameter flow freely. A team of scientists recently ran tests on a fragment of a pipe found in Shakespeare’s home in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and found cannabis residue.

A further examination of his writing may have uncovered a reference to marijuana in Shakespeare’s 76th sonnet. The poem repeatedly refers to a “noted weed” and “newfound methods and compounds strange.”

Medical Marijuana is Good for Artists, Presidents, and Anyone In Need of Relief

If you were surprised to discover these artists enjoy cannabis, you should check out our list of U.S. Presidents who were known to enjoy marijuana. The fact is, cannabis is a safe, natural way to treat a myriad of medical conditions. Marijuana is medicine, and there’s no shame in getting relief.

Relief is an artform.

You deserve to feel your best. If you’re ready to get inspired, focused and creative with the help of cannabis, you’ll need a Missouri medical marijuana card. If you still don’t have your card, we can help you with that! Our physicians are standing by to take you through a quick and easy evaluation to see if you qualify. Schedule an appointment with a marijuana doctor online by CLICKING HERE, or give us a call at (877) 303-3117 to talk to a patient support representative.

Doctors Who Care.

Relief You Can Trust.

At Missouri Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce the stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

Call us at (877) 303-3117, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

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